At 埃尔迈拉大学 we celebrate who you are while preparing you for success.

Why Transfer to 埃尔迈拉大学?

Our small class sizes give you one-on-one interactions with faculty, 确保你能得到老师的指导和指导,他们亲自为你的成功投资. You will complete a career-related internship prior to graduation, 向雇主和研究生院发出信号,表明你已经对自己选择的职业进行了测试,并准备好迎接新的挑战. 我们已经为你的未来做好了准备,研究生和医学院的附属机构为你的毕业创造了清晰的道路. Our graduates enjoy an exceptional success rate. 这一切都伴随着该地区所有四年制私立学院或大学中最低的本科学费之一, including affordable financial aid options 可用 for transfer students.

埃尔迈拉大学 Application

Three female students laugh while hanging out at the entrance of Tompkins Hall

Credit Transfer Evaluation

Before you apply for admission, you’ll want to know if your college credits and courses will transfer. 转学Admissions顾问会帮助你安排信用评估,这样你就会确切地知道什么可以用来满足你的毕业要求.


mg冰球突破豪华版下载欢迎有资格的学生谁愿意转移到mg冰球突破豪华版下载完成学位要求. 要获得mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学位,学生必须在mg冰球突破豪华版下载完成至少30个学分,其中包括至少15个学分的理想专业和9个学分的理想辅修专业. 2年制大学的学分最多为68学时,4年制大学的学分最多为90学时. 一些进入初级阶段的学生可能需要超过60个额外学分才能完成所有要求, depending on the program selected.

The Registrar evaluates transfer credits according to the following guidelines:

  • 只有经高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)成员认可的机构或组织认可的本科学分,学生获得C级或C级以上的学分才会被考虑转入mg冰球突破豪华版下载。.
  • 一般性质、内容和水平与埃尔迈拉课程相似的课程将被接受. N箭头ly vocational or remedial courses will not be accepted.
  • Courses taken at another college in which the student received a grade of D-, D, 或D+可以被接受以免除先决条件或学位要求,但不会转移到mg冰球突破豪华版下载学位的学分. 埃尔迈拉大学, 然而, 是否接受与mg冰球突破豪华版下载有衔接协议的社区及专科学院的副学士学位课程的“D”成绩, in accordance with the specific terms and conditions set forth in each agreement.
  • If another college permitted the student to repeat a course to raise a grade, 埃尔迈拉大学 will accept the higher grade.
  • Students who transfer to 埃尔迈拉大学, regardless of class rank at the time of transfer, must complete all requirements for the degree in effect at that time, for his or her entering class.
  • mg冰球突破豪华版下载接受由服务经验认证委员会给出的学分建议, the Educational Testing Service, New York State Department of Education, and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.
  • 所有其他学分的确定将由教务长与教务长和授课领域的教师协商后根据教育标准委员会推荐并经教师批准的指导方针做出.
  • mg冰球突破豪华版下载的转学分政策不区分以不同的交付模式授课的课程.

奖学金 & 援助

There are many financial aid and scholarship options, including special transfer scholarships, 可用.


Guaranteed On-校园 住房

几乎所有的mg冰球突破豪华版下载的学生都住在校园里,所以他们可以成为我们充满活力的社区的一部分. 作为一名转校生, 你将被保证住在我们的一个宿舍里,这样你就可以和同学见面并获得支持.


取向 & 选课

We want you to succeed as a transfer to Elmira. 每个转学生都被邀请参加夏季迎新课程,以了解同学和我们的社区. You’ll also be able to register for all of your classes online.


如果你是圣罗斯学院的学生,因为学校宣布关闭而想转学, 我们是来帮忙的. See how 埃尔迈拉大学 can become your place.




“由于康宁社区学院与mg冰球突破豪华版下载有衔接项目,转学过程非常容易. Consider 埃尔迈拉大学 as your next college to finish your Bachelor's Degree, 交朋友, have excellent professors, and be ready for your professional career!"


Frequently Asked Questions

What information do transfer students need to provide?

In addition to your completed 埃尔迈拉大学 application, 你需要附上你所就读的每一所学院或大学的正式成绩单. 你还需要完成一篇个人论文和一封推荐信. See the checklist below for details.

  • 完成 Application for Admission
  • Official college transcript(s) from each college or university previously attended
  • One letter of recommendation from a faculty member or teacher
  • 个人论文
  • Dean of Students Recommendation form from all colleges attended
  • If less than 12 college credits have been completed, we will need your official secondary school transcript

Who can I contact if I have questions about transferring?


Can I transfer from a community college?

是的! 那些上了两年制大学,然后想搬到mg冰球突破豪华版下载完成最后几年的学士学位学习的学生是一个完美的选择.

Will I be part of Elmira traditions as a transfer student?

当然. All students who are part of our community can take part in our traditions. 其中包括山地日,节日宴会和舞会,八角集市等等.
